
About the Program

The Institute of Chemistry at the University of Campinas, created by State Law No. 7655 of 28/12/62, had its Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry recognized by Federal Decree No. 70732 of 06/19/72.

Through its curriculum, the Institute of Chemistry is the unit responsible for the training of chemistry professionals in higher education, and also for research activities in the field of Chemistry.

The Graduate Program in Chemistry at UNICAMP’S Institute of Chemistry was created in 1972, soon after the first undergraduate class completed its course. The need to acquire greater knowledge coupled with the shortage of Masters and Doctors in Chemistry was the deciding factor to advance a new stage in Unicamp’s consolidation process.

The Graduate Program in Chemistry was being organized and consolidated over the years to become a research center of reference for research and training of new professionals in the country. The IQ / UNICAMP has had since its beginning, a single Graduate Program with two courses: Master’s degree and Doctorate degree. The Master’s degree program aims at enriching the scientific and professional competence of graduates. This objective can be assessed by meeting the academic activities and the development of experimental work aimed at completing the course and obtaining the title. We expect that our Doctorate degree program graduates will have broader and more comprehensive knowledge in the area, one that will allow them to pursue a satisfactory career in the field even if at an area not strictly related to the object of their doctoral thesis. Thus the Doctorate Program aims at a deeper and broader scientific and cultural training, in which the critical evaluation and the development of research within the field of chemistry are expected.

The Graduate Program at the Institute of Chemistry offers high-level courses, comparable to the best institutions, that are open to Brazilian students who wish to complete their studies without the need to leave the country in order to obtain a Master’s degree in Organic Chemistry area, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry and/or a Doctorate degree in Science. The program also welcomes students from abroad.

The faculty consists of  67 professors who are holders of doctorate degrees.

The Graduate Program, in addition to accrediting the 67 full professors, has the accreditation of 8 retired professors and 8 external researchers.

In 2021, 376 graduate students have enrolled in the program.

Seeking greater integration with the Community, the Institute of Chemistry provides services to public and private institutions, with regard to staff training, consultancy services, technical and scientific advice and development of research projects for industries.

  • Evaluation of the graduate program conducted by Capes (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel)

Maximum score (Excellence Program)  = 7



















Application and Enrollment

Admission – 2nd semester of 2024

Master and Doctorate Courses –  Registrations from February 26th and March 31st, 2024.

Results after July 7, 2024

Research Topics

Physical Chemistry

Research topics

1. Biochemistry of Nitric Oxide and Biomaterials
2. Biocompatible Ceramics
3. Biological Chemistry
4. Biomaterials
5. Calorimetry and Microcalorimetry
6. Chemometrics
7. Classical Thermodynamics and Continuous Media
8. Colloidal Chemistry
9. Condensed Matter
11.Energy Conversion
12.Materials Chemistry
13.Photochemistry and Photophysics
15.Structural Biology and Crystallography
16.Teaching of Chemistry
17.Theoretical and Computacional Chemistry
18.Vibrational Spectroscopy

Analytical Chemistry

Research topics

1. Bioanalytical Chemistry
2. Electroanalytical Chemistry
3. Teaching of Chemistry
4. Spectroanalytical Chemistry
5. Analytical instrumentation
6. Preparation of samples
7. Environmental Chemistry
8. Chemometrics
9. Separations

Organic Chemistry

Research topics


1. Application of theoretical calculations to the structure of organic molecules
2. Molecular Biophysics and Molecular Biology
3. Bioorganic Chemistry
4. Biochemistry
5. Biotechnology
6. Catalysis Studies
7. Teaching of Chemistry
8. Development and applications of synthetic methodologies
9. Mass Spectrometry
10. Medicinal Chemistry
11. Natural products
12. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
13. Organic Physical Chemistry
14. Organic Geochemistry
15. Organic Synthesis
16. Theoretical Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Research topics

1. Catalysis Studies
2. Coordination Chemistry and Bioinorganic Chemistry
3. Energy conversion
4. Interactions between Nanostructures and Biosystems
5. Materials Chemistry
6.  Molecular Magnetism
7. Nanomaterials and Nanostructures
8. Spectroscopy
9. Supramolecular Chemistry
10. Teaching of Chemistry
11. Theoretical Chemistry

Rules and Regulations


    GRADUATE CATALOGUE in Portuguese – check the requirements

    Approved by CPG/IQ on 08/15/2018


    Article 1º – The application for admittance to the Master’s course will be open between September 15 and October 30, for enrolment on the first term of the following year, and between March 15 and April 30, for enrolment on the second term of the current year.

    § 1º – To apply for the Admission Exam an online application form (available on the website of UNICAMP Academic Board – DAC – at the web address specified in the current selection process public notice) should be filled.

    § 2º – Selection Public Notice

    Article 2º – To be admitted to the Master’s Course, the applicant must pass through an eliminatory Admission Exam; his / her classification on this exam will be considered for assignment of institutional scholarships.

    § 1º – The Exam can be applied in Portuguese or English, according to the applicant’s option informed on the registration form.

    § 2º – The Admission Exam will comprise fundamental topics in the field of Chemistry, based on the program and bibliography of the undergraduate course “Chemistry I” (QG101) as offered by IQ – UNICAMP at the date of commencement of registration.

    § 3º – The Admission Exam will be prepared, applied and graded by the IQ – UNICAMP Graduate Program Admission Committee. The composition and functioning of this committee will be set by proper regulation available on our website.

    § 4º – The minimum approval score for admission of candidates to the Master’s course will be defined by IQ – UNICAMP Graduate Course Commission (CPG) on an ad hoc meeting, after hearing the Coordinator of the Program Admission Committee.

    § 5º – The minimum approval score will be determined based on the overall performance of the applicants, on the previous record of admittance and course completion and considering the estimated availability of institutional scholarships.

    § 6º – In case of tie between candidates, the following tiebreaker criteria will be applied: 1. Fewer questions scoring zero on the exam; 2. Fewer questions with maximum score on the exam; and 3. Candidate’s age, prevailing the older applicant.

    § 7º – There will be no review of the exam’s grade or access to the graded exam.

    § 8º – Applicants who prove to have obtained, up to a year before, a minimum score of 40% in the GRE Exam in Chemistry (Graduate Record Examination, applied by Educational Testing Service – ETS, will be exempted from Admission Exam, but will not be eligible for allocation of institutional scholarships.

    § 9º – Candidates that, at the moment of inscription, prove to have been contemplated, or to have solicited, a scholarship for the initial semester financed by a public or private entity that has a minimum duration of 24 months and that involves a selective process will be exempted from the entrance exam, since they are not eligible to receive an institutional scholarship. If the solicitation is still under consideration, the candidate must prove its concession up to the date specified in the announcement corresponding to the process of admission.

    § 10º – Candidates that have had scientific initiation scholarships for a minimum of 18 months under the supervision of the same professor who will supervise them in their graduate program and who have been approved with a grade of A or B as a special student in a required discipline in their future area of emphasis are dispensed from the entrance exam since they are not eligible to receive an institutional scholarship. If the candidate is still completing the specified discipline at the moment of inscription, the candidate must prove approval in the discipline with a grade of A or B up to the date specified in the corresponding announcement of the admission process.

    § 11º – Candidates admitted to the course under the terms of §8 º to §10º above and who want to plead for institutional scholarships should take the Admission Exam, which in this case will only have classificatory purpose.

    § 12º – Cases not covered by these rules will be decided by CPG.

    Article 3º – The registration of students accepted in the program must be made on the dates determined by the UNICAMP Academic Board (DAC). For registration on the Master’s Course, the student should have the acceptance of a supervisor accredited as Permanent or Collaborator Professor at UNICAMP Graduate Program in Chemistry.

    Article 4º – Every new student will be required to participate on their first term after admission in training sessions related to the use of Personal Protective Equipment and on Waste Management Practices offered by the IQ – UNICAMP Labour Safety and Environmental Ethics Committee. Failure to comply will result in cancellation of registration.

    Article 5º – All students, either being assigned institutional scholarships or not, should submit to CPG within 30 days from the beginning of their first term a copy of the Research Project that will be carried out to obtain the title of Master.

    § 1º – The project should not exceed five pages, comprising title, justification of the proposal based on scientific literature, materials and methods, bibliography and a schedule including courses to be attended and indented date (year and month) of the defence of the dissertation.

    § 2º – The project should be sent as a .pdf file in digital format.

    Article 6º – Before completing her / his third term on the course, a Master’s student may apply for transference to the Doctor’s course provided that:

    I – the transfer is recommended and duly justified by writing by the advisor.

    II – the student obtained at least 12 credits in courses required for obtaining the Master degree and has a Grade Average Coefficient (CR) equal or greater than 3.0.

    III – the student has been approved on the Proficiency Test in Foreign Language.

    IV – the student presents a report (length up to twenty pages) describing his research work and its current stage.

    V – the student has been approved in the Master’s Qualification Exam with requisition of transference to the Doctorate until the end of her / his third term after joining the course.

    VI – The Examination Board of the Master Qualification Exam should explicitly endorse the request through a detailed report issued after the exam.

    § 1º – The request for transfer to the Doctorate should be made when applying for the designation of the Examination Board for the Master Qualification Exam.

    § 2º – Institutional Doctoral scholarships will not be assigned to candidates who opt for transference from Master’s to Doctor’s course.

    § 3º – After the transfer from Master’s to Doctor’s course and vice-versa, the approval on the Proficiency Exam in Foreign Language and the credits obtained will be utilized.

    § 4º – A Master’s student who, up to the end of her / his third term on the course, has been awarded either a Direct Doctoral Scholarship by FAPESP or a similar scholarship funded by another organization may request to CPG through its advisor and after proper justification the transference to the Doctoral Course, being exempted from the requirements of sections I to VI above.

    Article 7º – In the case of former students readmitted only to defend their Master’s dissertation under the General Rules of the UNICAMP Graduate Program, it will be required definition of Examination Board and date of the defence of the Dissertation, as well as a letter from the supervisor stating that the student is able to defend the dissertation, having fulfilled the necessary credits, being approved both in the proficiency test in Foreign Language and in the Master Qualification Exam and that the dissertation will be completed in time for the defence on the specified date.

    This regulation supersedes the previous rules approved on 05/22/2017.

    This regulation supersedes the previous rules approved on 8/09/2015.


    GRADUATE CATALOGUE in Portuguese – check the requirements

    Approved by CPG/IQ on 08/15/2018

    Article 1º – The application for admittance to the Doctor’s course will be open between September 15 and October 30, for enrolment on the first term of the following year, and between March 15 and April 30, for enrolment on the second term of the current year.

    § 1º – To apply for the Admission Exam an online application form (available on the website of UNICAMP Academic Board – DAC – at the web address specified in the current selection process public notice) should be filled.

    § 2º – Selection Public Notice

    Article 2º – To be admitted to the Doctor’s Course, the applicant must pass through an eliminatory Admission Exam; his / her classification on this exam will be considered for assignment of institutional scholarships.

    § 1º – The Exam can be applied in Portuguese or English, according to the applicant’s option informed on the registration form.

    § 2º – The Admission Exam will comprise fundamental topics in the field of Chemistry, based on the program and bibliography of the undergraduate course “Chemistry I” (QG101) as offered by IQ – UNICAMP at the date of commencement of registration.

    § 3º – The Admission Exam will be prepared, applied and graded by the IQ – UNICAMP Graduate Program Admission Committee. The composition and functioning of this committee will be set by proper regulation available on our website.

    § 4º – The minimum approval score for admission of candidates to the Doctor’s course will be defined by IQ – UNICAMP Graduate Course Commission (CPG) on an ad hoc meeting, after hearing the Coordinator of the Program Admission Committee.

    § 5º – The minimum approval score will be determined based on the overall performance of the applicants, on the previous record of admittance and course completion and considering the estimated availability of institutional scholarships.

    § 6º – In case of tie between candidates, the following tiebreaker criteria will be applied: 1. Fewer questions scoring zero on the exam; 2. Fewer questions with maximum score on the exam; and 3. Candidate’s age, prevailing the older applicant.

    § 7º – There will be no review of the exam’s grade or access to the graded exam.

    § 8º – Applicants who prove to have obtained, up to a year before, a minimum score of 40% in the GRE Exam in Chemistry (Graduate Record Examination, applied by Educational Testing Service – ETS, will be exempted from Admission Exam, but will not be eligible for allocation of institutional scholarships.

    § 9º – Candidates that, at the moment of inscription, prove to have been contemplated, or to have solicited, a scholarship for the initial semester financed by a public or private entity that has a minimum duration of 36 months and that involves a selective process will be exempted from the entrance exam, since they are not eligible to receive an institutional scholarship. If the solicitation is still under consideration, the candidate must prove its concession up to the date specified in the announcement corresponding to the process of admission.

    § 10º – Candidates who obtained a Master’s degree on UNICAMP Graduate Program in Chemistry are waived from the Admission Exam, but will not be eligible for institutional scholarships.

    § 11º – Candidates admitted to the course under the terms of §8 and §9 above and who want to plead for institutional scholarships should take the Admission Exam, which in this case will only have classificatory purpose.

    § 12º – Cases not covered by these rules will be decided by CPG.

    Article 3º – The registration of students accepted in the program must be made on the dates determined by the UNICAMP Academic Board (DAC). For registration on the Doctor’s Course, the student should have the acceptance of a supervisor accredited as Permanent or Collaborator Professor at UNICAMP Graduate Program in Chemistry.

    Article 4º – Every new student will be required to participate on their first term after admission in training sessions related to the use of Personal Protective Equipment and on Waste Management Practices offered by the IQ – UNICAMP Labour Safety and Environmental Ethics Committee. Failure to comply will result in cancellation of registration.

    Article 5º – All students, either being assigned institutional scholarships or not, should submit to CPG within 30 days from the beginning of their first term a copy of the Research Project that will be carried out to obtain the title of Doctor.

    § 1º – The project should not exceed five pages, comprising title, justification of the proposal based on scientific literature, materials and methods, bibliography and a schedule including courses to be attended and indented date (year and month) of the defence of the thesis.

    § 2º – The project should be sent as a .pdf file in digital format.

    Article 7º – In the case of former students readmitted only to defend their Doctor’s thesis under the General Rules of the UNICAMP Graduate Program, it will be required definition of Examination Board and date of the defence of the Thesis, as well as a letter from the supervisor stating that the student is able to defend the dissertation, having fulfilled the necessary credits, being approved both in the proficiency test in Foreign Language and in the Doctoral General and Area Qualification Exams and that the thesis will be completed in time for the defence on the specified date.

    This regulation supersedes the previous rules approved on 05/22/2017.

    This regulation supersedes the previous rules approved on 8/09/2015.

  • Approved by CPG/IQ on September 29, 2015

    Article 1 – The present regulation applies to all Graduate students of IQ-UNICAMP, WITH OR WITHOUT A SCHOLARSHIP.

    Article 2 – Those who have a FAPESP scholarship must turn in a copy of the recommendation issued by FAPESP with the deadline of no more than 3 months after having submitted the report.

    Sole Paragraph – In the absence of the recommendation, for any reason, the FAPESP scholarship holder must follow the procedure outlined in this regulation for the other Graduate students.

    Article 3 – Students who either are not scholarship holders or who have CNPq and CAPES scholarships must present a yearly technical-scientific activity report.

    Article 4 – The activity report will be forwarded to the Graduate Commission by the scholarship holder’s supervisor, who must evaluate the report and the academic performance of the Graduate in the follow-up form.

    Article 5 – The activity reports shall be exclusively for the Graduate Commission, who will in turn monitor the student through them.

    § 1 – The activity reports shall be forwarded by the CPG to the IQ professors for evaluation.

    § 2 – The IQ professor’s evaluation of the activity reports through the form made available by the CPG must be filled in with the deadline of 30 days maximum, from the date of receipt of the process for analysis.

    § 3 – The CPG shall forward its recommendation by e-mail to the Graduate student and his/her supervisor within the deadline of 90 days maximum.

    Article 6 – The activity report must be turned in to the Graduate registrar’s office until the last working day of February and July for the new students in the first and second semesters respectively, which can be extended for the maximum period of 30 days.

    Article 7 – The activity report will consist of the Referral Form and of the Technical- Scientific Report, in which the latter must contain no more than twenty five pages (Font Arial 11 or equivalent; margins of 2,5 cm and with spacing of 1,15 cm).
    § 1 – The Report can be submitted in English or Portuguese, as long as it is according to the established format in § 2.
    § 2 – The Activity Report must be presented in the following format and order:
    1.   Follow-up form must contain:
    •    Project Title and degree (Master’s or Doctorate)
    •    Students Name
    •    Supervisor’s and Co Supervisor’s (when necessary) name
    •    Course (Master’s or Doctorate)
    •    Time frame to which the report refers to
    •    Date of Admission to the Course
    •    Date of expected conclusion
    •    Agency in which the student has a scholarship
    •    Supervisor’s Evaluation
    •    Objectives of the Dissertation/Doctorate’s Project
    •    Summary of previous reports (up to half a page per report/period). In this Summary the student must prioritize previous results, which were investigated during the period described in order to demonstrate his/her experiment’s advances in the next section.
    •    Main advances during the mentioned period (one page maximum)
    •    Difficulties encountered during the period and solutions (maximum of half a page)
    •    Next Stages
    •    Academic Activities:
    English Proficiency Exam
    Master’s Qualifying Exam
    PhD General Qualifying Exam
    PhD Area Qualifying Exam
    Participation in Professor’s Internship Programs:
    Participation in Congresses
    Task presentation in congresses
    2. Technical-Scientific Report consists of:
    •    Introduction, in which the student must state and justify his/her project and its changes based on recent literature.
    •    Experimental Fase – description of relevant aspects of the experiments developed in the mentioned timeframe.
    •    Results and Discussions
    •    Bibliography
    •    Attachments – must consist of, when necessary, proof of the student’s academic activities detailed in the Follow-up Form and Activity Report:
    – Relevant documents which refer to the experiments
    – Copies of published texts in magazines and annals of scientific events
    – Copies of published texts in summary books
    – Proof of courses taken and congress participation, etc.
    – Proof of Professors internship and/or extra program activities related to the theme of the project
    – Other pertinent proof.

    Article 8 – The student who doesn´t submit the report in the deadline shall not have the right to any services from the Graduate secretariat and will be subject to withdrawal of the program.

    Article 9 – The presentation of the dissertation or the thesis ends the obligation of the report’s submission.
    § 1 – One Period licensed students must comply with the deadlines determined in article 6.
    § 2 – Only 2 consecutive periods licensed students shall be dismiss from submitting the report.
    § 3 – Upon termination of CAPES and CNPq scholarships, the students must submit a report with the deadline of 30 days from the month of the scholarship’s termination.

    Article 10 – Upon the activity report’s refusal the student will have the opportunity to repeat it only once, and the same must be submitted within the following 30 days from the date of the refusal communication

    Sole Paragraph: The second refusal of the activities report will mean withdrawal from the program after CPG’s analysis.

    Article 11 – Special and omitted cases shall be analyzed by the CPG

    Regulation July 07, 2011 and its alteration in March 19, 2014 are hereby repealed.

  • Approved by CPG/IQ on 2/26/2014

    Article 1o – The distribution of Institutional Graduate Studies scholarships (CAPES and CNPq) is responsibility of the Members of Graduate Committee.
    § 1 – The scholarships are granted to students without any employment relationship.
    § 2 – Institutional scholarships shall be distributed to students in Master Degree and PhD courses. Admissions in Direct PhD and those students who prefer Transfer from Master Degree to PhD shall not be contemplated with institutional scholarships.

    Article 2o – MASTER DEGREE scholarships shall be distributed to incoming students according to the order of classification in Master Degree Admission Exam, up to the maximum time allowed by the agencies, that is 24 (twenty four) months.
    Sole Paragraph: Students regularly enrolled and incoming students in previous semesters may compete for scholarship until the completion of one year in the master degree program. Thus, students must e-mail  within the application period. In case the CPG attributes the scholarship, such scholarship shall be complementary to a 24 months period, discounted the period in which the student is enrolled and eventual periods in which student had the scholarship.

    Article 3o – PhD scholarships shall be distributed to incoming students according to the order of classification in PhD Admission Exam, up to the maximum time allowed by the agencies, that is 48 (twenty four) months.
    § 2 – Students regularly enrolled and incoming students in previous semesters may compete for scholarship until the completion of 18 months in the PhD program. Thus, students must e-mail  within the enrollment period. In case the CPG attributes the scholarship, such scholarship shall be complementary to 48 months period, descounted the period in which student is enrolled and eventual periods in which student had the scholarship.

    Article 4 – The maximum number of scholarships granted to students of the same supervisor (MASTER DEGREE and PhD) is six, provided that the supervisor complies with the Information CPG/IQ/2010.
    § 1 – In case the number of available scholarships is higher than incoming students per Course, professors with more than six students may compete for MASTER DEGREE (CAPES and CNPq) and PhD (CAPES) scholarships to the remaining students. This concession shall have temporary character up to six months, that may be renewed depending on the availability of scholarships to the next academic period.
    § 2 – It is responsibility of the supervisor to comply with all deadlines stipulated by Capes/CNPq for the completion of master degree (24 months) and PhD (48 months).
    § 3 – Failure to comply with paragraph 2 without justification shall result in equivalent decrease of the number of institutional scholarships granted to supervisor’s students by the minimum period of two years. This sanction may be revoked if, after this period, deadlines for completion of master degree and PhD are complied by students of this supervisor.
    Sole Paragraph – Students not granted with scholarship up to  April 15 to incoming students of 1st semester and up to September 15 to incoming students of 2nd semester may compete for scholarship in subsequent semesters, according to the sole paragraph of articles 1 and 2, provided that student is submitted to a new classification process.

    Article 5 – The scholarship students of the IQ graduate studies program may choose to accrue the graduate studies scholarship, master and PhD levels, with a remunerated employment relationship, provided that professionally performs in his/her graduation field in which work is related to the theme of dissertation/thesis. Thus, the supervisor of student shall forward to CPG a request with fundamented justification to this case.
    § 1 – CPG shall evaluate the following aspects in this request:
    1. The student shall be up to date with the Course Rules and Standards;
    2. The student shall present grade point average (CR) higher or equal to 3, except incoming students;
    3. The activity to be performed shall be related with teaching or consulting, in the field of Chemistry.
    4. The consulting activity shall only involve the infrastructure of the Institute of Chemistry, in special cases:
    – attached to agreements involving professors of IQ-UNICAMP;
    – rendering of services by means of Analytical Central of IQ-UNICAMP.
    5. Maximum dedication time to extra-program activity shall not surpass 12 (twelve) weekly hours.
    6. The accrued remuneration of activity performed during the semester shall not surpass the values of institutional scholarships in which the student is competing, in the same period.
    § 2 – It is responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that items 3, 4 and 5 of paragraph 1, of article 5, are strictly met.
    § 3 – The student shall deliver a report of extra-curricular activities performed in the semester.
    § 4 – The student shall renew the request in semestral basis, according to the Article 5, as the renew is also attached to the analysis of extracurricular activity report performed in the previous semester.

    Article 6o – The granting of institutional scholarship may be cancelled in the following cases:
    1. The student does not deliver annual activity report within the deadline, without formal justification as established in the rules;
    2. Annual activity report is reproved and the student fails to deliver the corrected report within deadline of 30 days;
    3. Maximum deadline to perform the general qualification exam for PhD is not complied;
    4. The student does not attend the safety training course according to the rules established by CPG.
    Sole Paragraph: The request for extend the deadline to submit the report containing justifications and signed by the supervisor shall be evaluated by CPG, case by case.

    Article 7o – Special cases or cases not covered shall be solved by CPG/IQ.


    Master’s – The actual amout of the Scholarship is R$ 1,500.00 – deposited every fifth working day of the month
    PhD – The actual amout of the Scholarship is R$ 2,200.00 – deposited every fifth working day of the month


    • Hold a current Lattes résumé
    • Be up to date with the course’s regulations
    • Submit activities reports at the end of a 12 month period, counting from the students entry in the Course (ex: entry March, 2010 report submission on February, 2011). The student will not be required to submit the Annual Report in the case of Dissertation/Thesis presentation before the Report’s submission date.
    • The activities report must be submitted in the CPG/IQ with the supervisor’s Follow-up Form in which the student’s performance and tasks are evaluated in a one year period. The form can be found in Activity Report Regulations in:
    • When the course is on standby for one semester, the student must submit the Report of the executed semester and will only be dismissed from submitting the Report when the course is held on standby for one full year.
    When a scholarship is canceled due to an employment bond the student must continue submitting the report within the period, however when canceling a FAPESP scholarship the student must submit the Report related to the time in which he held the Institutional scholarship. The submission deadline is up to 30 days counting from the notice of cancellation.
    • Any CAPES scholarship holder can ask for authorization from the Graduate Secretariat to copy the Dissertation/Thesis in the IQ (first version).

    Any CAPES scholarship holder can ask for Congress support through the Graduate Secretariat, the form may be found in our site:

    Necessary Documents:

    • Completed application form;
    • School Records (they will be evaluated)
    • Information about the event (Events folder or a printed copy of the internet page displaying the event)
    • Copy of the work submitted for the event;
    • Work acceptance for presentation in the event;
    • Supervisor’s and student’s justification based on the impact of the work’s presentation and the relevance of the event.
    • Application proof or existence of complementary resources for participation in the event.
    The renewal of the scholarship will be made yearly, independently of the starting date of the same. The students will be informed of the renewal documents submission deadline by e-mail.

    Participation in the Professor’s Internship Program (PED) is mandatory for the CAPES PhD scholarship holders, for the minimum of one semester.


    Master’s – The actual amout of the Scholarship is R$ 1,500.00 – deposited every fifth working day of the month
    PhD – The actual amout of the Scholarship is R$ 2,200.00 – deposited every fifth working day of the month

    Test stand fee: R$ 394.00 – deposited together with the scholarship fee

    – The test stand fee may not be invested
    – All invoices must be made to the student’s name
    – Regulations on how you can spend your fees can be found on CNPq’s homepage:, however if you have any questions you may contact then at  
    – The report of the test stand fee must be submitted in the Graduate Secretariat at the end of the scholarship.

    • Hold a current Lattes résumé
    • Be up to date with the course’s regulations
    • Submit activities reports at the end of a 12 month period, counting from the students entry in the Course (ex: entry August, 2007 report submission on July, 2008, completing a total of 2 reports until the end of the course, independently of the Dissertation presentation).
    • In the case of scholarship cancellation, the report must still be submitted.
    • Any Master’s student can ask for authorization from the Graduate Secretariat to copy the Dissertation/Thesis in the IQ (first version).

  • Deliberation CEPE-A-017/2014, of 02/09/2014

    President: José Tadeu Jorge
    General Secretary: Lêda Santos Ramos Fernandes
    It sets forth the Institute of Chemistry’s Graduate Program in Chemistry Regulation.

    The President of the University of Campinas, in the use of his legal attributions, in view of what was approved by the Teaching, Research and Extension Chamber, in its 294th Ordinary Session, of 02/09/2014, decides as follows:

    Article 1 – The Master’s and Doctor’s Graduate Program in Chemistry, provided by the Institute of Chemistry, is ruled by the General Ruling Norms of UNICAMP Graduate Courses, Resolution CONSU-A-008/2008, by this Regulation and specific legislation in force.

    Goals and Titles
    Article 2 – The Stricto Sensu Graduate of the Institute of Chemistry aims the qualification of researchers, professors and other professionals in the Chemistry Area.
    Sole paragraph – The Graduate Program in Chemistry focuses the following areas: Physical Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.
    Article 3 – The Graduate in Chemistry is composed by the Master degree and PhD degree, which lead to the titles of Master of Chemistry, in the areas above described, and of Doctor in Sciences respectively, and the first is not a pre-requisite for the latter.
    § 1 – The Master’s degree aims to enhance the scientific-professional qualification of the graduates and can be seen as the preliminary phase of the PhD degree or as a terminal level.
    § 2 – The Doctoral degree aims to provide a wide and deep scientific and cultural preparation and develop a skill of research in Chemistry.
    Article 4 – The Stricto Sensu Graduate courses are free.
    Administrative Structure
    Article 5 – The Institute of Chemistry’s Graduate Program activities will be inspected by the Graduate Committee – CPG, a Congregation’s auxiliary department.
    § 1 – The Graduate Committee (CPG)’s Chairman, professor with at least the title of doctor, will be the Graduate in Chemistry Program General Coordinator.
    § 2 – The Congregation will constitute the Graduate Committee – CPG, whose composition includes the Graduate Program General Coordinator, a faculty representative of each department and two students’ representative, with their respective alternates.
    § 3 – The mandate of the faculty, full and substitute members, as well as the General Coordinator will be two years, and that of the student’s representatives will be one year, in each case a successive term will be enabled.
    § 4 – The Institute of Chemistry’s Congregation that maintains the Graduate in Chemistry Program must communicate the Graduate Central Committee – CCPG the constitution of the Graduate Committee – CPG and its changes.

    Article 6 – The Graduate Committee (CPG) must assist the Unit Congregation in the activities specified in the Resolution CONSU-A-008/2008.

    Article 7 – The Master’s and Doctoral degree courses will have the minimum term of 12 and 24 months, respectively.
    Sole paragraph – The minimum term requirement will be deemed fulfilled if the student has attended two and four full regular teaching terms, respectively.

    Article 8 – The Master’s degree maximum term will be of 36 months and the Doctoral degree of 72 months, and this defines the Program completion term, which, if exceeded, will result in automatic cancellation of the student’s enrollment with the course.
    § 1 – The time is counted from student start at the respective course.
    § 2 – For exceptional reasons, with the supervisor’s agreement and at discretion of the Graduate Committee, the student can leave the course for up to 2 semesters, not calculated for the effect of what is set forth in the title of this article.
    § 3 – The total leave time cannot exceed the remaining completion time upon the first request.
    Application and Enrollment

    Article 9 – There are two categories of Graduate students: regular and special.
    § 1 – Regular students are those admitted through the selection process as candidates to a title offered by the Master’s or Doctoral degree.

    § 2 – Special students are those not enrolled as regular students with the Graduate in Chemistry Program, but whose enrollment with one or more isolated courses of this Program is accepted by CPG.
    Article 10 – The minimum requirement to be admitted as regular student in the Program is to hold a higher level diploma.
    § 1 – The evaluation of admission requests of students for the Graduate Program will be made by CPG.
    Article 11 – The admission in the Chemistry Graduate course will be through selective process to be conducted by the Graduate Committee – CPG.
    § 1 – The Graduate Committee (CPG) must establish and disclose the application periods and selection criteria of regular and special students.
    § 2 – The special students can be authorized by the Graduate Committee (CPF) to enroll with one or more Graduate courses, after agreement of the professor responsible for the course.

    Article 12 – Upon initial enrollment, the regular student must submit the acceptance from one supervisor accredited by the Program.
    § 1 – The supervisor attributions are those defined in Article 50 of Resolution CONSU-A-008/2008.
    § 2 – The supervisor chosen by the student must declare his/her acceptance in a suitable document.
    § 3 – The Program General Coordinator can sign the first student’s enrollment, in the absence of a supervisor, however, the supervisor must be defined within at most two months after the enrollment.

    Article 13 – The supervisor can count on the collaboration of accredited co-supervisors, duly approved by CPG and the Congregation.
    Article 14 – It is permitted to replace one supervisor or co-supervisor with another provided that approved by CPG.
    § 1 – They can be replaced up to 9 months after the admission, in case of Master’s Degree students, and up to the General Qualification Exam, for PhD students.
    § 2 – Special cases must be assessed by CPG/IQ.

    Article 15 – The supervisor’s leave for a period exceeding 30 days must be communicated to CPG in writing, informing the name of a Program professor that has agreed to take the responsibility for his/her students during the leave.

    Article 16 – According to the criteria established by the Graduate Committee (CPG), transfers from the Master’s Degree to the PhD can be allowed, as well as from the PhD straight to the Master’s Degree, with utilization of the credits already obtained.
    § 1 – The regulation and the norms of the new course, in force on the transfer date, must be complied with.
    § 2 – For the effect of completion time count, the first course admission date will be deemed.
    § 3 – The course transfer will be allowed only once.
    Curricular Structure
    Article 17 – To obtain the Master’s degree the student must:
    I – pass in the Master’s degree qualification exam;
    II – have approved the annual activity report, handed out to the Graduate Secretariat up to the last business day of February and of July for those entering the first and second terms, respectively;
    III – draw a Dissertation, present it and be approved in its defense. Master’s Degree Dissertation is the monitored work that evidences capacity of suitable handling of scientific investigation techniques, available in domain of certain knowledge;
    IV – take and pass in courses that enable to obtain the minimum number of credits established in the catalogue followed by student. Each unit of credit corresponds to 15 hours/class for the courses set forth in the catalogues published annually, given  per term, with duration of 15 weeks;
    V – pass in the foreign language (English) exam to be held once each teaching term and consisting of translation into Portuguese and/or interpretation of a scientific text.
    Article 18 – To obtain a Doctoral degree, the student must:
    I – pass in the PhD General Qualifying Exam (EQGD) and in the PhD Area Qualifying Exam (EQAD);
    II – have approved the annual activity report by CPG, handed out to the Graduate secretary up to the last business day of February and of July for those entering the first and second terms, respectively;
    III – have taken the PhD General Qualification Exam;
    IV – draw a Thesis, present it and be approved in its defense. PhD Thesis is the monitored work that results in original contribution in domain of certain knowledge;
    IV – attend and pass in courses that enable to obtain the minimum number of credits established in the catalogue followed by student.
    VI – pass in the foreign language (English) exam to be held once each teaching term and consisting of translation into Portuguese and/or interpretation of a scientific text
    Sole paragraph – The PhD thesis defense relies on the submission of a document certifying the acceptance for publication of a work related to the thesis theme.
    Article 19 – The student can pass or fail each Qualification Exam, without attribution of concept, according to the majority of members of the Exam Committee.
    § 1 – The student that fails the Qualification Exam can redo it only once.
    § 2 – The Exam Committee will be constituted by professors, with the minimum title of doctor, indicated by the Graduate Committee (CPG).
    Article 20 – The courses attended at UNICAMP or in other institutions will be evaluated for transfer of credits. After analysis by the Graduate Committee (CPG), which will evaluate such utilization for Dissertation or Thesis projects, the result will be forwarded to the Academic Directorate.
    Sole paragraph – The transfer of credits in such courses attended out of UNICAMP will be analyzed individually by CPG.

    Article 21 – The curriculum to be developed by the student, in activities of courses and research, will be proposed by the supervisor responsible mutually with the student, taking into account the nature of its research and the student’s formation stage, and approved by CPG.
    Sole paragraph – The total of credits required for Master’s and Doctorate’s degree will be established in the catalogue followed by the student.
    Article 22 – The attendance to the courses is mandatory. The minimum attendance cannot be lower than 75% of the total hour load programmed.
    Article 23 – The evaluation in each Graduate activity will be expressed by the following concepts:
    I – A – Excellent (weight 4) / Passed;
    II – B – Good (weight 3) / Passed;
    III – C – Regular (weight 2) / Passed;
    IV – D – Insufficient (weight 1) / Failed;
    V – E – Drop-out (weight 0) / Failed per Attendance;
    VI – S – Sufficient / Passed.
    § 1 – The concept “S” in item VI will be attributed when a Graduate activity is computed by means of specific evaluation criteria, defined by the Graduate Committee (CPG) and that do not result in the concepts established in items I to V.

    § 2 – The activity with concept “S” will have credits considered, but these will not be included in the Outcome Coefficient calculation as defined in Article 25 of this Regulation.

    Article 24 – The following specific measures can be used:
    I – M – Waiver of Enrollment in course: attributed when approved by the Graduate Committee (CPG), upon student’s request, in the periods established by the Graduate Course School Calendar and in mutual agreement with his/her supervisor;
    II – T – Transferred: attributed when the courses attended in another Institution are accepted by the Graduate Committee (CPG);
    III – G – Adaptation: attributed to adaptation courses, in case of approval, without right to credits;
    IV – R – Adaptation not Completed: attributed to adaptation courses in case of non-approval.
    Article 25 – A Graduate student’s global outcome will be expressed by an Outcome Coefficient (CR), which is the pondered average of concepts obtained in several courses, taking as weight for each course its corresponding number of credits.

    Sole paragraph – The Outcome Coefficient will be calculated from the student admission into the Course and include also the credits and concepts of courses accepted attended at UNICAMP before the student’s admission.
    Article 26 – The student will be automatically disqualified from the Graduate in Chemistry Program in the following events:
    I – if, from the second period attended, the student gets Outcome Coefficient inferior to 2,5;
    II – if the student does not submit the higher level diploma as established in Article 14 of the General Rules of Graduate;
    III – if the student does not comply with what is established in Article 15 and § 6 of Article 50 of the General Rules of Graduate;
    IV – if the students waives and/or request a justified drop-out from all courses in which he/she is enrolled in certain period;
    V – if the student get concept D or E in any repeated activity or in more than one course;
    VI – if the student fails twice in the same Foreign Language Proficiency Exam;
    VII – if the student fails twice in the same Qualification Exam;
    VIII – if the completion maximum time established in the Program Regulation is exceeded, respected the provisions of Article 12 of the General Rules of Graduate;
    IX – if the student’s performance is unsatisfactory in research activities duly certified by the supervisor and endorsed by the Graduate Committee (CPG);
    X – if the student does not take part in the Individual Protection Equipment and Residue Management training provided by the Safety and Environmental Ethics Committee of Institute of Chemistry;
    XI – if the student does not hand in the activity reports to the Graduate Secretariat up to the last business day of February and of July for those entering in the first and second terms, respectively;
    XII – if the Activity Annual Report is failed twice;
    XIII – if the student does not take the PhD General Qualification Exam until the end of third term in course.
    Sole paragraph – Any Graduate student disqualified from his/her respective Course can be readmitted by means of a new selection process. The entering student must enroll as established in the Graduate Course School Timetable.

    Article 27 – In order to obtain the title of Master or Doctor, the activities set out in articles 17 and 18 must be fulfilled, as well as the compliance with the Ruling requirements and a public defense must be provided to the Exam Committee, with approval, of a Dissertation or Thesis, respectively.
    § 1 – The titles of Master and Doctor will be those defined in article 3.
    § 2 – The dissertations and thesis must follow the format defined by the Graduate Central Committee.
    Article 28 – The Dissertation or Thesis defense Exam Committee, in the terms of Deliberation CONSU-A-008/2008, will be chosen as follows:
    § 1 – For Master’s Degree, three (03) full members, being the supervisor – who will be the chairman of the Examining Committee – and 02 alternates. With exception of the supervisor, at least half of the Examining Committee members must come from outside the Program and Institute of Chemistry.
    § 2 – For Doctoral Degree, 05 full members, being the supervisor – who will be the chairman of the Examining Committee – and 03 alternates. With exception of the supervisor, at least half of the Examining Committee members must come from outside the Program and UNICAMP.
    § 3 – The members, with at least the title of doctor, who comply with the principles of impersonality and ethics as regards the student, his/her supervisor and other Committee members, can compose the qualification, master’s degree dissertation and PhD thesis Examining Committees.
    § 4 – The co-supervisors cannot take part in the Examining Committee and their names must be recorded in the samples of Dissertation/Thesis and Defense Minutes. If the supervisor cannot take part, he/she will be replaced with a co-supervisor.

    § 5 – At discretion of the Graduate Committee (CPG), members coming from outside the Examining Committee can take part through videoconference, and in master’s degree the participation will be limited to a member and in PhD to at maximum two members.
    Faculty and Professors
    Article 29 – The Program professor will be that member of UNICAMP Institute of Chemistry faculty authorized to work there.
    Sole paragraph – Other professionals, regularly employed by UNICAMP or not, will be deemed Program professor provided that authorized by the Program.
    Section I
    Authorization and Cancellation
    Article 30 – The authorization of professors or researchers to work in the Graduate in Chemistry Program activities will be called Full, Participant or Visitor, defined as follows:

    I – Full Professor is the one that works in the Graduate Program in all activities, that is, advising, providing courses and contributing with his/her academic-scientific production;
    II – Participant Professor is the one that works in the Graduate Program in specific activity;
    III – Visitor Professor is the one that works in the Graduate Program in a specific activity and for a limited time.

    Article 31 – For the effect of authorization and cancellation of professors or researchers with employment bond with UNICAMP, the following rules must be observed:
    § 1 – The authorization and cancellation will be approved by the Institute of Chemistry Congregation, by suggestion of the Graduate Committee, with further homologation by the Graduate Central Committee (CCPG) and will be subject to a quinquennial evaluation.
    § 2 – Those carrying out activities in the System of Full Dedication to Teaching and Research (RDIDP) cannot be authorized for Graduate programs outside UNICAMP to carry out activities equivalent to those set forth in this Regulation for the Full Professor.

    Article 32 – The authorization of professors or researchers without employment bond, and without any financial burden to UNICAMP, will observe the rules defined in the Deliberation CONSU-A-008/2008.
    General and Transitory Provisions
    Article 33 – This Regulation changes must be approved by the Graduate Central Committee (CCPG).
    Article 34 – Omissions will be decided by the Graduate Central Committee (CCPG).
    Article 35 – This Regulation become effective on the data of its publication, and the provisions in contrary are revoked. (Case no. 11-P-15630/09)
    Published in the State Official Gazette of 23/09/2014. Pages 62 and 63.

  • Approved by the CPG in September 13, 2011

    Article 1 – Proficiency in English – intermediate level, is one of the established requirements in the IQ Graduate Program Regulation for obtaining master’s or doctorate’s title.
    Article 2 – The Proficiency Exam will consist of translating a technical-scientific text to Portuguese and or interpreting it.
    § 1 – The Proficiency in English Exam will be elaborated and corrected by CEL-UNICAMP.
    § 2 – The exam shall be carried out once every semester in dates announced in the IQ pages during the periods:
    1º semester: second half of April
    2º semester: second half of September.
    § 3 – The costs for the elaboration of the exams shall be covered by CPG-Proex funds.
    § 4 – Each student will have the right to take the CPG funded exam only once. In case of failure, the students must present and request the use of an English Proficiency Certification, according to the utilization of the English Proficiency Exam Regulation.

  • Approved by the CPG/IQ in  November 23, 2017.

    Article 1 – The regular Master’s student must attend the minimum of 15 seminars in the first 3 semesters.

    Article 2 – The regular PhD student must attend the minimum of 30 seminars in the first 6 semesters.

    Sole Paragraph– The student that takes the exam for direct entry in the PhD course must attend the minimum of 30 seminars, hosted by IQ/Unicamp, in the first 6 semesters.

    Article 3 – Participation in external seminars, non IQ-UNICAMP seminars, may be counted as long as they are appropriately substantiated and according to the CPG criteria.
    § 1 – External IQ-UNICAMP workshops and lectures of courses related to chemistry and related areas are worth 1 seminar, independent of the duration of the event .
    § 2 – Congresses are not included in the seminar count.
    § 3 – Participation in the events mentioned in § 1 must be proven through certificate presentation or some other proof, with the supervisor’s request.
    § 4º – The maximum number of validated Seminars attended out of IQ is of 5 seminars for Master’s students and 10 for PhD students.

    Article 4 – In the third and sixth semester for master and doctorate students respectively, the student must request the enrollment for the course QP137/A (for Master’s) and the course QP136/A (for PhD), for DAC regularization purposes.
    Sole Paragraph: At the end of the third and sixth semester the master and PhD students respectively, must have participated of the minimum numbers of seminars required for each case.

    Article 5 – Unless expressly stated, internal events taking place in Chemistry Institute will be computed as a single/unique seminar, independently of the duration and number of individual activities. The only exception is related to post-graduated forum organized by the APGQ.
    In the case of the post-graduated forum organized by the APGQ, each seminar/lecture will be  individually account.

    Article 6 – The presence in the seminars held at the chemistry institute-UNICAMP will be attested by the student’s signature in the attendance list provided by CPG / IQ and/or by academic register card using digital card reading device at the beginning and at the end of seminar, in the room where the seminar will occur.

    Article 7 This regulation is valid beginning on the 1st semester of 2012.

    Article 8 – Special cases shall be analyzed by the CPG.

    This regulation supersedes the previous rules approved on 7/10/2013

  • Approved by CPG/IQ on 10/3/2012
    Altered by CPG/IQ on 9/17/2013

    Article 1 – According to the Rules of Graduate Studies Program there is only one supervisor, who is the supervisor of dissertation or thesis.

    Article 2 – The supervisor of Graduate Studies students from Institute of Chemistry shall be holder of PhD Title and accredited according to the Accreditation Rules of the Chemistry Graduate Studies Program’s Teaching Committee approved for this purpose.

    Article 3 – It is permitted the replacement of one supervisor by other, by means of justification in written presented by the student with acceptance of other supervisor. The replacement must be approved by CPG.

    Sole Paragraph – This replacement shall be carried out up to 09 (nine) months after the admission, in case of Master Degree students and up to the performance of General Qualification Exam, for PhD Course students.

    Article 4 – The supervisor may refuse the responsibility to continue supervising the student by means of written justification approved by CPG.
    Sole Paragraph – The student shall have deadline up to one month to obtain acceptance of a new supervisor, after formal communication of his/her former supervisor, otherwise the scholarship may be cancelled. The student shall deliver to CPG up to 30 days counted from the acceptance date of the new supervisor, the research plan and time schedule to be developed under new supervision, with the agreements of new supervisor.

    Article 5 – According to Article 50, paragraph 2 of General Rules and Article 13 of Graduate Studies Rules of Institute of Chemistry, the Graduate Studies student of Institute of Chemistry may have co-supervisors.
    § 1 – The co-supervisors shall manifest their acceptance in a duly document.
    § 2 – Its is permitted the replacement of a supervisor by other, provided that justification is approved by CPG.
    § 3 – The co-supervisor may refuse the responsibility to co-supervise the student, at any time, by means of written justification approved by CPG.

    Article 6 – The authorization to graduate studies student to have one co-supervisor of dissertation or thesis shall be evaluated by the Department(s) in which the student is attached, judged by CPG and approved by the Congregation.
    § 1 – The co-supervisor shall contribute to the thesis development, by his/her performance in a complementary and diverse area in relation to the former supervisor. In this case, in order that a post-doc student or newly-doctor become supervisor of a student of its previous supervisor, it shall be explained an experience different from the supervisor.
    §2. – The request of co-supervision shall be justified taking into consideration the conditions established in paragraph 1, with authorization of the supervisor, co-supervisor and student.
    §3 – The accreditation of external co-supervisor shall be carried out according to the Accreditation Rules of Chemistry Graduate Studies Program Teaching Committee and Deliberation Consu-A-8-2008.
    § 4 – In case of external co-supervisor accreditation to IQ, the request shall be followed by a Research Plan, “Curriculum Vitae” of external co-supervisor and a supervisor letter of the student showing the contribution of co-supervisor in the project.

    Article 7 – The Supervisor shall: I. propose, in common agreement with the student, the study program; II. participate with the supervisor(s) in guiding the student’s research work; III. be responsible to CPG for the student performance; IV – notice CPG when the student is developing activities related to dissertation or thesis out of UNICAMP.

    Article 8 – The number of students that each supervisor may supervise in the Program is established in the following way:
    Active Professor – Maximum of 20 students
    Collaborator Professor – Maximum of 06 students according to the Resolution of IQ Congregation.
    Collaborator Researcher – The department in which the professor is allocated shall set the number of students. The supervision of each new student shall be forwarded to CPG with justification.

    Article 9 – Special cases or cases not covered in these rules shall be solved by CPG, after hearing the Departments, with the right of appeals to the Institute Congregation.


    The courses created for enrollment of special students in interchange courses provide the enrollment possibility of Brazilian and foreign students that are coming to make part of their experimental work in Colleges and Institutes of Unicamp. This enrollment creates a temporary relationship, thus, allowing the student to access the facilities that university is offering: food by means of university restaurant, libraries, Medical Clinic Hospital and CECOM, without a definitive relationship, only in the period in which the student is found within the University. The courses are divided by weeks and enrollments may be carried out in any period, but shall note the following procedures:

    Foreign Students: Unicamp accepts the following visas for the purposes of studies, other visas are not necessary:  Study or cultural mission (VITEM I), Student (VITEM IV), Work (VITEM V), Mercosul (VIRET) or Permanent.

    In case the student has any of the above visas, it is not necessary that responsible Professor in IQ request the acceptance letter of Unicamp with 45 days before the student arrival to the Graduate Studies Coordination. This letter shall contain: full name, nationality and number of passport. After the issuance of acceptance letter, the DAC shall forward to CPG/IQ and we will contact the student. The responsible professor that will receive the student shall inform him/her about the need of visa in order to be enrolled in the interchange courses. The documents for enrollment are: Professor letter to the Graduate Studies Coordination containing student full name, University and Course (Master Degree or PhD) in which the student is enrolled, description of activities to be performed, day, month and year of permanence in the laboratory, filled and signed enrollment form and common copy followed by original diploma or authenticated undergraduate diploma copy with legalization of the Brazilian embassy in its country of origin.
    As soon as the student arrives in the University, the student must appear in the DAC foreigners sector bearing copy of the passport (data and visa) for registration at Unicamp. The student shall provide sworn translation of the diploma after his/her arrival in Brazil.  The enrollment form is available in the link:

    Enrollment in Interchange Courses that must be signed.

    The only exception for non-provision of sworn translation of documents is for students coming from France, due to an agreement between Brazil and this country.

    Brazilian Students: The Professor receiving the student must deliver to the Graduate Studies Coordination a request by means of letter for enrollment of special student in interchange courses, informing full name of the student, University and Course (Master Degree or PhD) in which the student is enrolled, description of activities to be carried out by the student in laboratory, day, month and years in which the student will remain in laboratory, common copy followed by original diploma or authenticated undergraduate diploma copy, and also the enrollment form in interchange courses available in the following link:
    Enrollment in Interchange Courses filled and signed.

    IMPORTANT: The university card (R.A.) is requested by the Graduate Studies Secretariat to DAC at the time of enrollment.

    Remarks: The failure to comply these procedures shall make the student enrollment unfeasible.

Special Student in Interchange Courses


The courses created for enrollment of special students in interchange courses provide the enrollment possibility of Brazilian and foreign students that are coming to make part of their experimental work in Colleges and Institutes of Unicamp. This enrollment creates a temporary relationship, thus, allowing the student to access the facilities that university is offering: food by means of university restaurant, libraries, Medical Clinic Hospital and CECOM, without a definitive relationship, only in the period in which the student is found within the University. The courses are divided by weeks and enrollments may be carried out in any period, but shall note the following procedures:

Foreign Students: Unicamp accepts the following visas for the purposes of studies, other visas are not necessary:  Study or cultural mission (VITEM I), Student (VITEM IV), Work (VITEM V), Mercosul (VIRET) or Permanent.

In case the student has any of the above visas, it is not necessary that responsible Professor in IQ request the acceptance letter of Unicamp with 45 days before the student arrival to the Graduate Studies Coordination. This letter shall contain: full name, nationality and number of passport. After the issuance of acceptance letter, the DAC shall forward to CPG/IQ and we will contact the student. The responsible professor that will receive the student shall inform him/her about the need of visa in order to be enrolled in the interchange courses. The documents for enrollment are: Professor letter to the Graduate Studies Coordination containing student full name, University and Course (Master Degree or PhD) in which the student is enrolled, description of activities to be performed, day, month and year of permanence in the laboratory, filled and signed enrollment form and common copy followed by original diploma or authenticated undergraduate diploma copy with legalization of the Brazilian embassy in its country of origin.
As soon as the student arrives in the University, the student must appear in the DAC foreigners sector bearing copy of the passport (data and visa) for registration at Unicamp. The student shall provide sworn translation of the diploma after his/her arrival in Brazil.  The enrollment form is available in the link:

Enrollment in Interchange Courses that must be signed.

The only exception for non-provision of sworn translation of documents is for students coming from France, due to an agreement between Brazil and this country.

Brazilian Students: The Professor receiving the student must deliver to the Graduate Studies Coordination a request by means of letter for enrollment of special student in interchange courses, informing full name of the student, University and Course (Master Degree or PhD) in which the student is enrolled, description of activities to be carried out by the student in laboratory, day, month and years in which the student will remain in laboratory, common copy followed by original diploma or authenticated undergraduate diploma copy, and also the enrollment form in interchange courses available in the following link:
Enrollment in Interchange Courses filled and signed.

IMPORTANT: The university card (R.A.) is requested by the Graduate Studies Secretariat to DAC at the time of enrollment.

Remarks: The failure to comply these procedures shall make the student enrollment unfeasible.

Graduate Committee



Prof. Dr. Carlos Henrique Inacio Ramos – from 05/01/2023 to 04/30/2025

Faculty representatives:

  • DFQ (Physical Chemistry Department)

Holder: Prof. Dr. Paulo de Tarso Vieira e Rosa – from 11/01/2022 to 04/30/2024
1st. alternate: Prof. Dr. René Alfonso Nome Silva
2nd. alternate: Profa. Dra. Claudia Longo

  • DQA (Analytical Chemistry Department)

Holder: Profa. Dra. Alessandra Sussulini – from 11/01/2022 to 04/30/2024
1st. alternate:Prof. Dr. Lauro Tatsuo Kubota
2nd. alternate: Profa. Dra. Márcia Cristina Breitkreitz

  • DQI (Inorganic Chemistry Department)

Holder: Prof. Dr. Paulo Cesar de Sousa Filho – from 05/01/2023 to 04/30/2025
1st. alternate: Profa. Dra. Camilla Abbehausen
2nd. alternate: Prof. Dr. Fernando Aparecido Sigoli

  • DQO (Organic Chemistry Department)

Holder: Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Antonio Cormanich – from 05/01/2023 to 04/30/2025
1st. alternate: Profa. Dra. Taícia Pacheco Fill

2nd. alternate: Prof. Dr. Airton Gonçalves Salles Junior

Student Representatives – from 05/01/2023 to 04/30/2024

Holders: Dagwin Wachholz Júnior () e Brena Thays Amorim Menezes ()

Graduate Office

Diego Banhos (Tecnical Assistent)

Useful informations

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